cotton on 意味

発音を聞く:   cotton onの例文
  • {句動-1} : 気が付く、気付く、理解する、了解する、意味が分かる、悟る
    {句動-2} : 利用する


  1. exporter of cotton on earth .
  2. it is said that an arrow shot by a guest sometimes hit her so that she wore thick cotton on her buttocks to act as a shield .
  3. izo okada , toranosuke senya , and kinosuke igarashi from tosa , and chuzaburo terajima joined from choshu , and they split up to take both of the men in and kill them , but they did not kill because of the pleas of their family to spare their lives , and because of their class as townsmen; the two men were put on public display alive , by being tied naked on to a stake which was used for exposing cotton on the riverside of kamo-gawa river .


        cotton:     1cotton n. 綿, 木綿; 綿糸; 綿布. 【動詞+】 beat cotton 綿打ちをする This suit material contains some cotton. この洋服地には少し綿が混じっている dye cotton 木綿を染める gin cotton 綿を綿繰り機にかけて種を除く grow cotton
        cotton on to:    {句動-1} : ~に気が付く、~に気付く、~を理解する、~を了解する、~の意味が分かる、~を悟る -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {句動-2} : ~を利用する
        cotton to:    {句動-1} : (人)と親しくなる、(人)と親しくする、(人)と近づきになる、(人)に取り入る、(人)のご機嫌を取る、(人)と仲良くなろうとする、(人)と友誼{ゆうぎ}を結ぶ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {句動-2} : ~を好ましく思う、~が好きだ、~を好き
        cotton with:    {句動-1} : ~を好ましく思う、~が好きだ、~を好きになる -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {句動-2} : ~を理解して認める、~に賛成する、~を是認する
        in cotton:    《be ~》安逸をむさぼる、ぜいたくに暮らす
        absorbent cotton:    absorbent cotton 脱脂綿 だっしめん
        acetylated cotton:    acetylated cotton アセチル化綿[化学]
        all cotton:    純綿{じゅんめん}
        all-cotton:    all-cotton 純綿 じゅんめん
        american cotton:    American cotton 米綿 べいめん
        arboreous cotton:    木綿{もめん}
        as white as cotton:    棉のように白い
        aseptic cotton:    無菌綿{むきん めん}
        beat cotton:    綿打ち{わたうち}をする
        bleach cotton:    綿布をさらす


  1. "cotton mouth" 意味
  2. "cotton mouthed" 意味
  3. "cotton muslin" 意味
  4. "cotton of fine staple" 意味
  5. "cotton oil" 意味
  6. "cotton on to" 意味
  7. "cotton opener" 意味
  8. "cotton packing" 意味
  9. "cotton pad" 意味
  10. "cotton of fine staple" 意味
  11. "cotton oil" 意味
  12. "cotton on to" 意味
  13. "cotton opener" 意味

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